Emerge Project at William Harvey Hospital

Our youth workers provide short term support for young people aged between 10-25 years
who find themselves in A&E because they are struggling with self-harm or feeling suicidal.

Have you recently attended A&E due to self-harm, suicidal ideation or emotional crisis? Want someone to speak to?

We are now taking referrals for our follow up support.

You can call us, or ask someone else to call us on your behalf, to chat about how we can support you.

Phone 07494736278 

Or drop us an email at: hellowhh@emergeadvocacy.com

Meet the Team

Project Lead
Project Lead
Hi I’m Jo and I am based in the William Harvey hospital in Ashford.
I feel so privileged being part of a charity like Emerge that brings hope to young people. It is something I am passionate about.
I am a qualified youth worker and have been working with young people in education and the community for the last 17 years,
with a focus on mentoring and mental health.
I am involved in my local church and in charity work both in the UK and abroad.
My other passions in life include my two wonderful children and our crazy cocker spaniel Hetty.
We love going on new adventures together in the great outdoors. But not before a good coffee!

Jo has a BA honors in youth and community work with applied theology and a NVQ level 5 in mentoring young people.
She is also a JNC qualified youth worker.

From donating to volunteering with us

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