- The hospital’s designated Link Person with Emerge is crucial here. They would be the go-to person for staff who had a question or concern and the point of contact within the hospital for the Emerge leadership.
- The Advisory Group would continue to meet bi-monthly as a forum for review and future planning.
- Emerge would need to be given a standing slot in staff training for nurses, doctors and A&E receptionists to train them in the role of Emerge, correct referral process and to maintain the profile of the project in their minds to maximise referrals.
- Emerge would have a named team member who would be the lead for the project in your hospital. They would keep in touch with key staff, attend all Advisory Group meetings, and meet periodically with the Link Person to discuss operational matters and ensure an effective and successful project.
- Whilst Emerge operates within the hospital setting and not directly with CAMHS, it is helpful to include relevant CAMHS practitioners in conversations about the project at an early stage so that it can be implemented in such a way as to engage well with CAMHS and work effectively alongside their pathways.